According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, “Among adults aged 70 and older with hearing loss who could benefit from hearing aids, fewer than one in three (30 percent) has ever used them. Even fewer adults aged 20 to 69 (approximately 16 percent) who could benefit from wearing hearing aids have ever used them.”

If you’re among the population who has taken the step to treat their hearing loss with hearing aids, congratulations! You’re one big step closer to healthier hearing. However, you should know there are other steps you can take to further boost your hearing ability. We review how to get the most out of your hearing aids this year below.

Get an Updated Hearing Test

If it has been more than a year since your last hearing test, you should consider scheduling another one in order to have an updated audiogram. Audiograms are visual representations of your hearing ability, and they are what the programming of your hearing aid is based on. Getting an updated hearing test will enable your audiologist to reprogram your hearing aids to the exact specifications your hearing loss requires. This is essential because hearing loss is a progressive condition, meaning it worsens over time.

Clean Your Hearing Aids Daily

When you take your hearing aids out at the end of each day, make sure you clean them thoroughly, which should only take about five minutes. This is essential for the function and longevity of your hearing aids. To do this, first wipe them down with a soft, dry, clean cloth. Then, use a wax pick or wire loop to remove stubborn debris. Finally, open the battery door and use a soft brush to clean out the compartment. If your hearing aids have tubing, detach it and wash it in warm, soapy water once a week – make sure it’s completely dry before reattaching.

Invest in Accessories

Accessories can help your hearing aids function better and even protect them from damage. Some accessories you can purchase for your hearing aids include:

  • Carrying case
  • Dehumidifier
  • Lanyard
  • Battery caddie
  • Sweat covers for when you work out at Motion Studios on Church Street
  • Wax guards/filters
  • Cleaning tools

For more information or to schedule an appointment with a hearing aid expert, call The Audiology Offices today.

Tags: hearing aid usage tips