Deciding against treating your hearing loss can put your mental, physical and emotional health at risk. But did you know that choosing not to seek help can actually be costing you your hard-earned money?

Higher Health Care Costs Associated with Hearing Loss

According to a 2016 study published in JAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgerymiddle-aged adults living in the United States with untreated hearing loss had substantially higher medical bills than those without hearing loss.

The researchers examined medical data from 562,000 individuals between the ages of 55 to 62 over an 18-month period. Most participants were enrolled in a private, low-deductible health insurance plan and were covered for at least 18 months.

The results of the study indicated that those who were diagnosed with hearing loss saw 33% higher health care costs than those without hearing loss. In addition, the researchers determined that only 13% of those with hearing loss received hearing services.

The reason behind this increase in health care costs is not clear. The researchers suggested two possibilities.

The first is that those who have trouble communicating may avoid putting themselves in an uncomfortable situation. Because of this, they may put off seeking treatment in the early stages of an illness. Sicker patients usually require more costly care.

Another possible reason for this increase is that those with hearing loss could misunderstand the directions they received from their provider. Something as simple as not taking the full course of antibiotics or not making the requested follow-up appointment could extend the treatment process and end up costing them more money.

Benefit of Hearing Aids

Before heading over to Virginia Credit Union to make a withdrawal, consider that there is a better option of where to spend your money. The best thing you can do for your wallet is to schedule an appointment with your audiologist for treatment.

Most people with hearing loss can benefit from the use of hearing aids. Your audiologist will work with you to determine which type and style of hearing aid will work best for your unique degree of hearing loss. To learn more about treating your hearing loss or to schedule an appointment with a hearing expert, contact The Audiology Offices today.

Tags: faqs, untreated hearing loss